Developing Compassion

Gabe sat with his feet up in the recliner, laptop propped on his knees, listening to Paul Baloche talk about developing compassion for the people in your congregation. I sat on the couch nearby, laptop also propped on my knees, listening in on what I would have missed if we weren’t all “quarantined.” 

It was an unexpected blessing and an unexpected challenge.

As I overheard Paul Baloche talk about developing compassion through imagination. First by visualizing the people themselves and then imagining the struggles they have faced in the last year and then praying for them. Even if we don’t know what their struggles are, using our imagination to acknowledge that they are facing battles of their own helps us step outside our limited perspective and grow in the area of compassion. 

As I contemplated that I was surprised that I was convicted first, for my lack of compassion for the people closest to me, the ones in my own household. 

I get caught up in seeing what they “should” be doing. And that I “know” they “know better” because I told them. Ugh! True confessions!

What if I applied my imagination to developing compassion for the people right here in front of my face? If I stop and look it might not take much imagination at all.

So my challenge for this week is to pick 3-5 people that are in my regular sphere of influence and intentionally work on developing compassion for them. For me I’m starting with the people in my household, but for others It might be friends or coworkers, anyone you come into regular contact with. If you are anything like me, your compassion for them needs a boost.

Right now…

Focus on one person, if you know a specific struggle they face, imagine what it might look like for them to battle that each day or week. How might that affect their attitude, their work, their general outlook on life? AND then, and in my mind this is the real key, take a minute to write out a prayer for them that you can go back to again and again. Something to help you put action to the compassion you are developing.

Here is one example:

One of my children struggles with perfectionism. When they feel like they are succeeding, life is good and they are pleasant. When they hit a bump, they become a bear, stop listening to anyone, no matter how kind and encouraging they are, and in general take their frustration out on whoever is closest. Not pretty.

 So I wrote out this prayer for them (feel free to use it if you know someone who struggles with something similar.)

Thank you for helping my kids see how you are growing and maturing them. Help them to have patience with themselves while you are working. Give them eyes to see how far they have come and great expectation for how you will continue to work on and through them in the future. “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Philippians 1:6 NLT)

If you don’t know a specific struggle use your imagination, because WE ALL STRUGGLE! No matter how “together” someone seems on the outside, they have at least some kind of battle going on. The enemy doesn’t let anyone off easy! (Jesus was tempted – Mark 1:13, Paul was tormented – 2 Corinthians 12:7, the enemy is on the prowl – 1 Peter 5:8) If nothing else, pray that they would come to realize God’s love for them more fully. After all, the Father loves them, as much as He loves you, as much as He loves Jesus! (John 17:23)


Work through the rest of your list. Developing compassion can strengthen good relationships and help heal ones that are hurting. There is not much that’s more shocking, than receiving compassion when we know we deserve condemnation. Maybe this will be the battle you face this week. This isn’t an easy task and the enemy definitely doesn’t want you to do it! I’ll be praying for you. 

This week…

Pull those prayers out and pray them again. And again. And again. If there is one you can share email me below and I’ll pray along with you! And keep reminding yourself that “The Father loves you, as much as He loves me, as much as he loves Jesus” That is some great news!

I would love to hear from you!

Next week I will have another challenge to help us intentionally love the people around us…

Grab the phone lock screen reminder from last week’s post and remember… The Father loves you as much as He loves His son.

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